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ホームチズルママの日記人材とは….信頼 | ”Human Resources is Trust"
人材とは….信頼 | ”Human Resources is Trust"



真の意味での『EBO=社員がオーナーになる(Emloyees become the Owner)であり、親会社など、旧役員にGoldenパラシュートを与えたわけではない。
会社は誰のもの? と云う問いに答えるには…21世紀のあるべき会社だと自負している。

((月)役員会で評価、(火)貢献した事項、改善事項につき具体的にFeed Backする。


These are the words of Mr. Tanaka, Representative Director of BSL Insurance, a health agency.
He was born in Tokyo, graduated from the Tokyo University, and joined the former Industrial Bank of Japan in 1974.
After changing jobs several times, he started an investment company with a friend in 2002, and at the same time, he founded the insurance agency "BSL Insurance" as a subsidiary of the investment company with a young man 25 years younger than him.
After the founding of the company, they became a unique agency in the insurance industry, co-financed by several major insurance companies, by acquiring insurance for our investment portfolio!

They had difficulty turning a profit for the first three years, but gradually increased revenue and profit.
The reason for the increase in revenue; ... Mr,Tanaka said it was the talent of the people working there.

1, Securing human resources
By narrowing the market focus to corporate customers, he was able to amicably hire people headhunting with experience as corporate sales representatives at major insurance companies.
They had a strong desire to offer the best products to their clients because they were dissatisfied with only their own company's products.
They were also dissatisfied with the fact that they could only deal with their own company's products.
After we asked them to join us, some of them waited for a year before making the move, including preparation.
After that, thanks to their cooperation, we were able to gain the trust of all parties by arranging and offering products for major companies as well as for medium-sized companies.
Insurance is all about smooth payment of claims in the event of an emergency.
Since insurance agents do not have the authority to make payments, I think the fact that I was able to contribute to customers because of my background at an insurance company was also helpful in gaining their trust.
Since it is the insurance company that pays the insurance claims, it is important for the agents to have the trust of their clients.

2, Incentives
The company gave class shares (no voting rights, but they have the right to issue shares) to salespeople who came from non-life insurance companies.
It is an incentive system that if they grow the company, the value of the company will increase and so will their fractional shares.
In 2017, the company became independent from the investment company, and at that time, they were appointed to the board of directors and their shares were divided equally.
It is a true 'EBO = Employees become the Owner' and it is not a golden parachute for the parent company or the former directors.
Who owns the company?
It is only natural to ask who owns the company, since it is the employees who have grown the company.

3. Finally, human resource development
The company and its employees must mutually "share a common understanding" and "foster trust.
First, the five emotional abilities, such as aggressiveness and a sense of logic.
Five items of business execution skills such as product knowledge, persuasiveness, etc.
In total, we used a 10-item evaluation sheet as a means of evaluation.
Employees were asked to speak up about their self-evaluations, contributions they made, and areas for improvement at the company, and management provided a place to listen and evaluate the results at a board meeting.
A routine was created to provide specific weekly feedback on contributions made and areas for improvement.
In light of the results, the company notified the employees of their bonuses for the current fiscal year and their compensation for the next fiscal year during the March accounting period.

As this process is repeated over the years, the gap between the company's expectations and those of the employees is filled, and trust is fostered.
The company is only the foundation and must be 'humble.

I think these three points are the most important for management, common to any company.

I spoke with Mr. Tanaka about his work and human resources, and was so impressed by his passion for management.
I am glad to hear his precious story.