
旅 | Journeu


朝倉市から車で15分 原鶴温泉に一泊、「ふぐ料理」を食べて1年の出発~
5月 に入って、山口県の酒蔵を回って岡山市へ
翌日岡山港から約1時間 程、船に乗って香川県(小豆島)に到着

翌日…  京都へ 懐石料理を食べに足が軽い

 11月の最終、4度目の姉妹交流、岩手県釜石 の「呑ん兵衛横丁」へ、

北と南 短期間の旅 でしたが、それぞれの地域の、香り…土…空気…食べ物、
今年もその場所に行かなければ、無い 文化…食材…人を求めて、旅をする計画

I went many places during last year.

In January, I went Fukuoka to enjoy hot spring.
We ate Fugu cuisine at Haratsuru hot spring.

In May we went sake breweries in Yamaguchi Prefecture.
After Yamaguchi, we moved Okayama City.
We enjoyed night in Okayama.
Next day we visited Shodoshima by boat.
Soy source factory, Olive field, Olive noodles and so on... there was really great place.
We visited Shodoshima again in August.
Seto Inland Sea was calm and unruffled.
We enjoyed small adventure there.

In November I went Osaka City to join the wedding party.
It has been 20 years since last I visited!
I enjoyed night out in Naniwa area and Minami area.
Then I went Kyoto to eat Kaiseki cuisine next day.

End of November, I went the fourth times of sister "Nonbei Yokocho"
exchange in Kamaishi city in Iwate Prefecture. 
I had a lot of fun reunion with Kamaishi people and seasonal foods.
Sea weed, sea urchin and crabs... it was awesome!
In 2016 Kamaishi Nonbei Yokocho will move into new place from temporary building.
It is a sign of recovery from The Great East Japan Earthquake.

Each trip was very short while.
However I could meet many people, enjoy local foods and feel local atmosphere.
Also this year I am planning many trip to cultivate a better relationship with local people.
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