ラジオ体操 | Radio Exercises
1 手を上に伸び...正しい姿勢づくり
2 腕を振って脚を曲げ伸ばす。
3 腕を回す..肩こり予防、血行促進、首の疲労回復
4 胸を反らす...正しい姿勢づくり
5 体を横に曲げる….消化機管働き
6 体を前後に曲げる….腰痛予防
7 体をねじる….内臓器官の働き
8 腕を上下に伸ばす…瞬発力アップ
9 体を斜め下に曲げ胸を反らす...呼吸機能アップ
10 体を回す…腰痛予防
11 両脚で跳ぶ…血行促進
12 腕を振って脚を曲げ伸ばす…転倒予防
*終わった習慣 あ〜ア〜気持ち良い〜
は〜い ごくろ様と、スタンプを押してもらう
When I was a child, there was a community event where we would go to the school or community center around 6:00 AM morning during summer holiday to do exercise with the radio.
Radio Exercises No. 1
1. Create a straight and correct posture by extending your hands upward.
2 Bend and stretch the legs by swinging the arms.
3. Rotate arms widely. Prevent stiff shoulders, promote blood circulation, relieve neck fatigue
4. Chest bending exercise. Create correct posture
5. Bending the body sideways. Improves digestive system
6. Bending the body back and forth. Prevents lower back pain
7. Twisting exercises. Benefits internal organs
8. Arm stretching up and down. Improves instantaneous force.
9. Bending the body at an angle downwards and then bending the chest back. Improves respiratory function.
10. Exercise to rotate the body widely. Prevents lower back pain
11. Jumping on both legs and spreading arms to the side. Promotes blood circulation
12. Bend and extend legs by swinging arms. Improves balance
The moment you finish the exercises, you may feel very comfortable.
Probably in every region of Japan, summer vacation radio exercises were stamped when they were over.
When I was a child, increasing the number of stamps I looked forward to.
I had grown up and forgotten about radio exercises.
But nowadays, when I walk in the park, I see many people exercising their bodies to the sound of old-fashioned gymnastics from the radio.
The cold winter is coming.
I wanted to take advantage of these exercises, which are very effective in increasing basic metabolism and improving blood circulation!
1 手を上に伸び...正しい姿勢づくり
2 腕を振って脚を曲げ伸ばす。
3 腕を回す..肩こり予防、血行促進、首の疲労回復
4 胸を反らす...正しい姿勢づくり
5 体を横に曲げる….消化機管働き
6 体を前後に曲げる….腰痛予防
7 体をねじる….内臓器官の働き
8 腕を上下に伸ばす…瞬発力アップ
9 体を斜め下に曲げ胸を反らす...呼吸機能アップ
10 体を回す…腰痛予防
11 両脚で跳ぶ…血行促進
12 腕を振って脚を曲げ伸ばす…転倒予防
*終わった習慣 あ〜ア〜気持ち良い〜
は〜い ごくろ様と、スタンプを押してもらう
When I was a child, there was a community event where we would go to the school or community center around 6:00 AM morning during summer holiday to do exercise with the radio.
Radio Exercises No. 1
1. Create a straight and correct posture by extending your hands upward.
2 Bend and stretch the legs by swinging the arms.
3. Rotate arms widely. Prevent stiff shoulders, promote blood circulation, relieve neck fatigue
4. Chest bending exercise. Create correct posture
5. Bending the body sideways. Improves digestive system
6. Bending the body back and forth. Prevents lower back pain
7. Twisting exercises. Benefits internal organs
8. Arm stretching up and down. Improves instantaneous force.
9. Bending the body at an angle downwards and then bending the chest back. Improves respiratory function.
10. Exercise to rotate the body widely. Prevents lower back pain
11. Jumping on both legs and spreading arms to the side. Promotes blood circulation
12. Bend and extend legs by swinging arms. Improves balance
The moment you finish the exercises, you may feel very comfortable.
Probably in every region of Japan, summer vacation radio exercises were stamped when they were over.
When I was a child, increasing the number of stamps I looked forward to.
I had grown up and forgotten about radio exercises.
But nowadays, when I walk in the park, I see many people exercising their bodies to the sound of old-fashioned gymnastics from the radio.
The cold winter is coming.
I wanted to take advantage of these exercises, which are very effective in increasing basic metabolism and improving blood circulation!