
「偶然のようで必然?」| *This diary was given to us by our customer M.




 いうならば、8人限定の“The Chizuru show!!”にこぞってつめかける選ばれし本日のメンバー。時にはディーヴァ、時には大女優、時には横丁の母、時には黒幕?めぐるましく七変化するチズルさん。




”Coincidence or inevitability?"

At the only eight-seat counter in Enoki, a pleasant moment is repeated every day around Chizuru-san.
Chizuru-san goes to bed every day saying, "Ahhh, today was fun too!

In other words, it's "The Chizuru show!" for eight people only.
The chosen members of today's show.
Sometimes a diva, sometimes a great actress, sometimes a mother, sometimes a mastermind?
Chizuru-san has many faces.

I am sure that the God of my encounters has arranged for me to lead a richer life through Chizuru-san.
Every day I meet various people and they guide me to listen to various stories. It seems like a coincidence, but it is inevitable. I can't help but think so.

The members of the Enoki family have crossed borders and met as if drawn by Chizuru-san's powerful passion.
I am grateful to have met you all, especially Chizuru-san, in this small side street of izakaya Enoki in a big city!
Let's continue to toast to each other with a glass in our hand and enjoy each other's company!
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