大きな ”カエルちゃん” おしりを向けている??翌日もその場所で又の出会い、、
昨日と違うのは 今日は顔が見える、何もなかったようにドアの中へ入る、、が
イタイタ、、相変わらずじ~としている ”カエルちゃん”に言葉をかけて見た!
。。。is there something there being real still and soundless?
is it a big "frog"showing its hip ?? Next day I found it at the
same place.The difference from yesterday was that the frog is
showing its face today. I went inside my bar as if nothing happened.
but I got a little curious. so I went outside again. I found it gain
and it stays there being real still. I decided to speak to the
"frog"! the frog lookeed at me with a vacant look? (lsn't she a
strange old lady? ) I haven't seen it from the following day?
ベランダに目を向けると、イタイタ 『ヤモリ君』毎年夏の夜中になると、えのきの ”かべ”と
真向かいの”かべ”に現れる。親子の姿を じ~と見ていた所へ!虫がベランダの柱に止まった
目がキョロリ、のど元が ”ゴックン”と見える、すばやく『パックリ』美味しそうに食べていた
。。。from the 2nd floor of my Enoki bar..... whenever I pay attention
and take a look at the balcony of the 2nd fioor building just across
my bar....I always find "gecko lizards" on the "wall" of my Enoki bar
and the "wall" of the building just across my bar on summer night
every year. At the time I was watching the family gecko lizards!
A bug has stopped on the pillar of the balcony . Then that gecko lizard
looked really enioy eating the bug with its eyes wide open. I couldn't
heip but laughing that the kid's gecko lizard found a fly and start eating
it with having a real hard time as the fly was too big to eat....