[酒処えのき]渋谷のんべえ横丁  東京、渋谷で美味しいお酒とワイン。
  • 渋谷のんべえ横丁 酒処 えのき チズル日記 livedoor Blog
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Otani plays for the Los Angeles Dodgers.
Last year, he was a great individual player and became the first World Series champion.
This year, there are high expectations that he will be able to return to his two-way role as both pitcher and batter, and in his first at-bat in an exhibition game, he hit a home run off pitcher Yusei Kikuchi of his former team, the Angels!
The Dodgers' opening game has been decided to be held in Japan.
I hope that with the efforts of Otani, Yamamoto, and Sasaki, Team Japan will win the World Series for the second time in a row.
Let's all cheer them on.
14年前(2011 3,11) 14:46 東北地方大地震
あっという間5年間の交流、極寒と春 桜の咲く頃

    おすすめー 釜石線ー遠野駅下車ージンギスカン料理(おすすめ)

14 years ago (11 March 2011) 14:46 The Great Tohoku Earthquake occurred.
At that time, I was concerned about the people in the affected areas, and was discussing with our union leader whether there was anything we could do to help them as Shibuya Nonbe Yokocho.
I learned that there was a "Nonbe Yokocho" alley in Kamaishi City, Iwate Prefecture, with the same name as Shibuya "Nonbe Yokocho" because the union leader's mother's family home was in Tono City, Iwate Prefecture (famous for the myth of Kappa appearing).

Our union leader immediately went to Kamaishi's "Nonbe Yokocho".
The terrible disaster washed away all 30 to 40 shops in the tenement house.
We called out to the customers of the 40 Shibuya Yokocho stores and started a fundraising campaign.
That year, the Friendship Yokocho Exchange began.

The following year, in February 2012, five or six representatives from Shibuya's "Nonbe Yokocho" headed to Kamaishi for the first time with the accumulated donations.
We took the Shinkansen train from Tokyo Station, got off at Shin-Hanamaki Station, then changed trains and headed to Kamaishi, which took about five hours.

We were on a single track, we passed through the mountains...three stations around Tono Station.
As someone who grew up in the west, I was deeply moved by the scenery, covered in snow from a fierce blizzard.

After arriving in Kamaishi in the evening, we met the head of the Kamaishi "Nonbe Yokocho" association (an 85-year-old woman who is still healthy and running her shop).
We greeted each of the businesses that had lost their shops in the earthquake and opened new ones in temporary locations, and I felt that they were all strong and resilient.
We continued to interact with them many times after that.

We passed by with donations we had received from customers, sometimes in the freezing cold and snowy scenery, and sometimes in the spring when the cherry blossoms were blooming.
Their union leader came from Kamaishi to thank us for visiting the Yokocho alley.
After that, we heard about the development of the alley, and although many of the restaurants had closed due to the aging of the people, a few people are still working hard to keep their restaurant open.

The patience and warm hearts of the people of Kamaishi are something I'll be making time to visit again and again in the future.

*The recommended food in Shin-Hanamaki is Hanamaki Onsen (the water is amazing).
Soba is also recommended.
The Genghis Khan (mutton or lamb meat grilled on a hot plate) at Tono Station on the Kamaishi Line is also recommended.
Kamaishi City's recommended foods are hairy crabs, oysters, abalone, kelp, scallops, and kelp. (All are delicious!)

1986年 えのきオープン

1987年 1年目を迎え、お客様からの要望で、忘年会をやる事に決定し、お客様から熱海に宿を経営している友人がいるとの事で、1週間後に東京の事務所から和服の女性が来店。



    伝えたところ急に顔が変わり、申し訳ありません、私共の周りはI会で他の組の方は   ご遠慮願いたい。と


翌日3組に分かれ、奥地の温泉に行く組・鬼怒川の街をぶらり組、お金のない学生と社会人は28日の列車で帰り、車中の中、今日は「有馬記念」少ないお金を出し合って、賭け事に強いS氏が決めるアサヒビヤホールで有馬記念の馬券7,000円分を購入。10レース目が始まり、1番人気サクラストーブ途中で落馬、2番人気メリナイツはスタート前に失格。枠連4-4を買っていたS氏 配当金:163倍×7,000円=1,141,000円の大当たり!

1986 Enoki opens.
1987 To celebrate the first year of opening, it was decided to hold a year-end party at the request of a customer.
A customer introduced us to a friend who runs an inn in Atami, and a woman in a kimono came to the restaurant the following week.
I told her the date, the number of people and the amount of money, and asked her what kind of ‘meeting’ it was. She asked.
When I told her ‘the Chizuru-kai of the Yamaguchigumi (Yamaguchi Prefecture, where I am from)’, her face suddenly changed serious.
(〇〇 gumi reminds her Yakuza clans)

‘I'm sorry, we are surrounded by I〇〇 gumi, so please let us not be from other clans.’ She refused.
My joke has been completely missed.

So we changed our plans and decided to go to Kinugawa with 55 people, including foreign customers.
I don't know when or who requested it, but 3 geisha from the neighbourhood joined us, and we had a great year-end party with stage performances, singing and the best year-end party ever.

The next day, we were divided into three groups: those going to the hot springs in the backcountry, those wandering around Kinugawa, and the students and working people without money, who returned on the train on the 28th.

On that day, the annual year-end ‘Arima Kinen’ derby. Everyone in the group returning home pooled their little money together and bought 7,000 yen worth of Arima Kinen tickets at the Asahi Beer Hall, decided by Mr S, who is a strong betting man.

The tenth race started and Sakura Stove, who was the favourite from everybody, fell off the horse halfway through, while the second favourite, Merinites, was disqualified before the start.
Mr S, who had bought the 4-4 bracket, hit the jackpot with a dividend: 163x × 7,000 yen = 1,141,000 yen!
Students who had never seen 1 million JPY went for the dividend and the five of them received 20,000 yen each.
The following week we heard about the first year-end party in Enoki. Laughter, surprise, an episode I remembered for the rest of my life.

Life doesn't always go the way you want it to. However those who can keep challenging themselves to reach higher level can turn every experience into own value.
You may be an early bloomer or a late bloomer, but you can still make [the flower of victory] bloom.
No pain, No gain. There is no detour on the path of hard work!









Shibuya's "Nonbei Yokocho(Drinkers' Alley)" is an area marked by red lanterns.
It is characterized by a row of small izakayas, but each izakaya hasn't its own unique character.
It is located near the popular and lively Shibuya Station.
Since there are many competing izakayas, creating a unique izakaya is a major point in management.

The shop is the "見せ(Mise)appearance of the shop 店(Mise)".
It is the same as "店(Mise)shop" and "見せ(Mise)appearance".
In other words, the most important thing is the customer.
Customers enjoying themselves with satisfaction, interacting with each other, drinking together, and the atmosphere that is created make the izakaya a good one in the eyes of the "customers".

Anyone can do it, but in the F&B business, it is difficult to retain customers.
In this industry, it is not clear whether you can last after the first year.
There are few businesses in the service industry that are as difficult as the F&B business.

However, in the F&B business, if you have a good location and customer base, as well as management skills and ideas, there are few businesses that can succeed quickly!

This year, he made headlines when he moved from the Los Angeles Angels to the Dodgers for 10 years for a total of $700 million. Despite the pressure, he achieved an unprecedented 50-50 and led his team to a third consecutive division championship with better performance than ever before. I hope he will do his best to win the World Series! He underwent elbow surgery last September and did not pitch as a pitcher this year, but I am excited to see him perform well both in pitching and batting next year.



Keep taking care of your health and keep working towards Enoki's 50th anniversary!
Can I continue a regular customer at Enoki for another 5 years? I think so!
Mr T

I would like to give a round of applause and a feeling of gratitude to Enoki, which continues to be in business for many years, stepping over both flowers and storms.
I will continue to follow you as long as my health lasts!
Mrs Y.

Thanks to Enoki's counters I have received a real Japanese education and I have become a full-fledged Japanese.
I look forward to working with you in the future.
Mr K.


 いうならば、8人限定の“The Chizuru show!!”にこぞってつめかける選ばれし本日のメンバー。時にはディーヴァ、時には大女優、時には横丁の母、時には黒幕?めぐるましく七変化するチズルさん。




”Coincidence or inevitability?"

At the only eight-seat counter in Enoki, a pleasant moment is repeated every day around Chizuru-san.
Chizuru-san goes to bed every day saying, "Ahhh, today was fun too!

In other words, it's "The Chizuru show!" for eight people only.
The chosen members of today's show.
Sometimes a diva, sometimes a great actress, sometimes a mother, sometimes a mastermind?
Chizuru-san has many faces.

I am sure that the God of my encounters has arranged for me to lead a richer life through Chizuru-san.
Every day I meet various people and they guide me to listen to various stories. It seems like a coincidence, but it is inevitable. I can't help but think so.

The members of the Enoki family have crossed borders and met as if drawn by Chizuru-san's powerful passion.
I am grateful to have met you all, especially Chizuru-san, in this small side street of izakaya Enoki in a big city!
Let's continue to toast to each other with a glass in our hand and enjoy each other's company!










From Mr M.

I first went to Enoki when I was 21 years old, so we have known each other for a long time.
These days I go to Enoki a few times a year.

In the past, I used to go to various restaurants with Enoki's regulars such as karaoke boxes, yakiniku, sushi and Italian restaurants after closing Enoki.
My mouth was moving more than my hands, but I also got to experience working behind the counter for help.
When I was young, I also had the opportunity to organise several year-end parties, but I've gained a lot of weight now.
I would like to show off my 'body' again when I get back to the shape I was in back then.

From Mr S

I met Chizuru-San a long time ago and she gave me a nice nickname.
But please limit calling me by nickname only when we are drinking!
I don't remember when it was, but we bumped into on the street in the daytime, she called me "PUTTSUN!!!" I was embarrassed to be called that. LOL

There is one thing I mustn't forget to tell you about Chizuru-San.
That is a word of love from Chizuru-San.
In other words, it's a warning, an attention, and a sermon... but it's different from normal.
Chizuru-san always speaks out with the other person in mind.
It may seem like she is speaking out of her emotions, but she is not.
What she doesn't really want to say, she says out of love, thinking it is for the person's benefit.


・The first time I went to Enoki, my senior at work took me there, and even though it was my first time, my mom was out, and my senior told me to and suddenly I went inside the counter...
It was such an impressive debut. When I'm worried or depressed, for some reason I want to meet and talk to Chizuru Mama. Well, it's a kind of drug lol
It gives me a strange feeling of energy! !

・I was introduced to this place by a friend and went through the Enoki noren. I was surprised and fascinated by the flow of time and space that I had never experienced before. Since then, I have naturally grown close to Chizuru Mama and many of our customers, and I am grateful to have been able to learn little by little as a person within the Enoki family. Inside the store, I respect how Chizuru Mama treats each and every person without discrimination in the different dramas each time, and how she speaks directly to everyone. Please continue to grow together.








*This is the text of the congratulatory comments at the time of Enoki's 25th anniversary from Mr N.

Congratulations to 25th anniversary Chizuru san!
I am impressed that you have continued to operate Enoki’s business by yourself for so long.
I am deeply impressed by your daily efforts.

I feel that this is due in large part to her charming personality, which attracts customers with her open attitude, and her direct comments that are not based on any prejudice.
I feel that time flies by very quickly, and it has already been 13 years since I started coming to Enoki.

My first encounter with Enoki was in the early summer of 1996, when there was still some time before dusk.
A friend brought me to Torifuku in Nonbee Yokocho, saying that there was a good yakitori restaurant, but it was too early and the restaurant was not yet open.
As we were about to leave, we passed by Enoki.
We saw Ms. Chizuru preparing to open the restaurant, and knowing the impossibility, we asked her to come in and that was the first time we went in.
My first impression was that it was very homey, and as I had never gone out for a drink alone before because I was too timid, I felt as if I had found a place where I could go for a drink by myself for the first time.
Since then, I went to the regular Enoki every day in the beginning.
At first, I had a hard time getting along with the regular customers, and we sometimes argued.
Chizuru-san told me that I was coming too often every day, and at one point I was even banned from the Enoki.
After overcoming various troubles, we have gradually come to be recognized by everyone and are here today.

I am still a newcomer to Enoki and can't speak highly, but I feel that Enoki's customers are kindred spirits.
They are a good group of people who, while they are eager to show off, are considerate of others and accept me even when I say what I want to say.
Recently, I have been ill and can only go to Enoki once a month or so, but even if I show up after a long time, they welcome me and let me have a good time.

I would like to keep visiting Enoki to see Chizuru-san and her fun friends.
Please take care of yourself, Chizuru-san, and keep Enoki going for a long time as 30th and 35th anniversaries.
I am sure that your fun friends will support you.







*This is a text from Mr, S with congratulatory comments on the occasion of Enoki's 25th anniversary.

I would first like to thank Enoki for its 25th anniversary and for the rest and enjoyment it has still provided over the past quarter of a century, and congratulate the shops on their prosperity.

Shibuya Nonbei Yokocho is located along the inner loop of the JR Yamanote Line and has around 40 shops.
There used to be another drinking street in Shibuya called Inari Yokocho near Route 246, but it is no longer there.
Inari Shrine is enshrined next to Kinnou Hachiman Shrine.

I first came to Nonbei Yokocho in 1956.
I didn't go to any particular restaurant, only dropping in with my seniors after a drinking session at work.

My first encounter with Enoki was when I was invited by one of my new colleagues who had been transferred to a new position at work.
The colleague, who is also my friend, passed away already.
Enoki's mama, Chizuru-san, has her warm hospitality and sometimes heated conversations are a pleasure to visit.
Above all, the food prepared behind the small counter is very tasty.
This is probably because Chizuru herself selects and stocks the ingredients before the restaurant opens, and the ingredients of the day are sold on the same day to keep them fresh.

Enoki has a wide and diverse customer base.
Many people who have left Tokyo always drop by Enoki when they come to Tokyo from time to time.
One of the reasons for the popularity of Enoki is that customers meet each other and become regulars as a result of the lively conversation between the customers and their mothers.
I don't talk about my workplace with my colleagues in Enoki.
Here, everybody calls me "Yoshio-chan".
One of the reasons I like this place so much is that people from all over the world go here.
I get to hear about the lives of ordinary people from different countries, foreign languages and cultures.
Of course, I can also hear stories from Japanese people away from work.
Also, at the beginning of the year, Chizuru-san puts up the New Year's cards of regular customers upstairs, and there are pictures of couples who were married in the shop, some with their children, which makes me smile.

There are two things that I will never forget from the last 25 years.
One rainy day, when I was passing by the shop with my camera, I looked back at Enoki and made a sketch of it with coloured pencils, which Chizuru-san framed and hung on the wall of the shop.
The picture used for the 40th celebration for Nonbei Yokocho. It was drawn by me!
Another was when a female reporter from the Japan Times came to the shop to cover the red wine boom in Japan, and I happened to be there when there was an article about red wine in the newspaper with my name on it.
I have endless memories.



*This diary was written by customer Mr N.


This year will be 10 years since I first went to Enoki.
I haven't been going many times, but each time has been very fulfilling and intense.
I enjoy talking to Chizuru Mama and the customers up close.
I report to Mama when something happy happens.
Enoki is a very grateful place for me where I can take the people I care for to dinner.

I have been living and working as an actor in Bangladesh since the end of last May.
I am now in love with Bangladesh, fascinated by the beautiful smiles and energy of the Bangladeshi people.
It is said to be the most super-friendly country in the world!
They are really kind, and even though I am 40 years old and can barely speak English, let alone Bengali, I am having a lot of fun every day.

At the end of the year, I was filming for a TV drama.
This chance is not mine but it happened because of the history and relationship between Japan and Bangladesh.
The accumulation of Japanese people who have been involved in Bangladesh has made this situation possible.

However, many people in Japan do not know about Bangladesh.
I also knew very little about it until I travelled there a year ago.

My dream is to let many Japanese people know about Bangladesh.
I will return to Japan once in June this year and I am looking forward to visiting Enoki.
I am planning to go with Bangladeshis at that time.
I look forward to speaking with Mama.







*This diary was written by customer Mr S.


Now that the pandemic is over, I feel happy to go to Enoki when I feel like it as usual.

I have been coming to Enoki for almost 10 years now.
(Some of Enoki's regulars have been coming for more than 30 years‼)

The first time I went to Enoki was when a colleague took me up a narrow flight of stairs to the second floor, where about six of us had a drink.
I heard Chizuru mama's voice from the first floor and she said 'come and get your food'.
At first, I was surprised to learn that this restaurant has a system where customers go to get their food and drinks.
Every time I went to pick up the food, I had a conversation with Mama, and I got to know her humanity (loving strictness, friendliness, seriousness? lol) and thought I would come back again.

After that, I started going alone and interacting with the regulars.
I was surprised to find that the person I was casually sitting next to could be a great person, and I think the clientele is surprising.
(There were also many foreign dignitaries.)

However, I think the charm of Enoki is that the people in the space are all equal, regardless of their status or age.
(I also encountered many times scenes of great people being scolded by Mama. I often get scolded too (Lol).

I also took the female employees of the company with me, and they often talked about Mama's views on life, how to live and how to be prepared, and gave me advice on how to think about the female employees.
Mama was really helpful in telling them things that would have been power harassment if I had told them.

Chizuru Mama, please keep up the good work for Enoki fans.

 1 手を上に伸び...正しい姿勢づくり
 2 腕を振って脚を曲げ伸ばす。
 3 腕を回す..肩こり予防、血行促進、首の疲労回復
 4 胸を反らす...正しい姿勢づくり
5 体を横に曲げる….消化機管働き
 6 体を前後に曲げる….腰痛予防
7 体をねじる….内臓器官の働き
 8 腕を上下に伸ばす…瞬発力アップ
9 体を斜め下に曲げ胸を反らす...呼吸機能アップ
 10 体を回す…腰痛予防 
 11 両脚で跳ぶ…血行促進
 12 腕を振って脚を曲げ伸ばす…転倒予防

 *終わった習慣 あ〜ア〜気持ち良い〜
 は〜い ごくろ様と、スタンプを押してもらう

When I was a child, there was a community event where we would go to the school or community center around 6:00 AM morning during summer holiday to do exercise with the radio.
Radio Exercises No. 1

1. Create a straight and correct posture by extending your hands upward.
2 Bend and stretch the legs by swinging the arms.
3. Rotate arms widely. Prevent stiff shoulders, promote blood circulation, relieve neck fatigue
4. Chest bending exercise. Create correct posture
5. Bending the body sideways. Improves digestive system
6. Bending the body back and forth. Prevents lower back pain
7. Twisting exercises. Benefits internal organs
8. Arm stretching up and down. Improves instantaneous force.
9. Bending the body at an angle downwards and then bending the chest back. Improves respiratory function.
10. Exercise to rotate the body widely. Prevents lower back pain 
11. Jumping on both legs and spreading arms to the side. Promotes blood circulation
12. Bend and extend legs by swinging arms. Improves balance

The moment you finish the exercises, you may feel very comfortable.
Probably in every region of Japan, summer vacation radio exercises were stamped when they were over.
When I was a child, increasing the number of stamps I looked forward to.

I had grown up and forgotten about radio exercises.
But nowadays, when I walk in the park, I see many people exercising their bodies to the sound of old-fashioned gymnastics from the radio.
The cold winter is coming.
I wanted to take advantage of these exercises, which are very effective in increasing basic metabolism and improving blood circulation!

This year there were many world championships in all sports, such as baseball, rugby, basketball,volleyball, swimming and athletics.
Japan's level has risen and I was impressed by the athletes competing against strong rivals from all over the world.

The heat has calmed down, autumn is a good season for exercise.
Many of Enoki's customers used to play sports, so when the world championships are taking place, the conversation gets lively!
Personally, the number one news is that Shohei Otani of the Major League Baseball Angels won the title of the first Japanese home run king.
I hope that he will come back from his right elbow injury and fascinate fans with his two way style again.

*This diary is written by Mr. S, a customer.


Last spring, after successfully completing a voyage of 43 years of my work, I changed to a small boat and started a second voyage.
There were storms and good things on the first voyage, but I won't go into them here.

On my second voyage, I am working hard as an old man as a retailer, but I am blessed with a good male staff.
I am surrounded by kind part-timers, and I am enjoying my days so much that I feel like I am in heaven.

Today, I would like to say "work is up to the person" as well as "the bar is up to the customers".

People say that the conductor of an orchestra is important, and I am always grateful to Chizuru-san for her wonderful conducting that connects the members of the Izakaya orchestra well even when I go alone.
The members of the Izakaya orchestra are all good people.
Please continue to be a conductor of Enoki in good health for a long long time.

From "S" who was introduced as "Mr. S who likes to ride over" in Chizuru's diary about 3 years ago

朝顔 Asagao (Morning glory) is native to South China and have arrived in Japan during the Nara or Heian periods.
At first, they were called 'Kengoshi' (牽牛子...Kengoshi) as a medicinal herb.
As the name suggests, morning glories bloom in the morning and wilt before noon.
Blooming from summer to late autumn, the flowers look cool and provide a welcome distraction from the hot summer weather.

*This diary was written by customer
"Enoki and me"

I work in western Tokyo, so I rarely go to Shibuya.
When I occasionally go to the city centre on business, Chizuru-san's face always comes to mind in the evening.

Shibuya, which was deserted for a while due to Covid-19, is now completely back to normal, including foreign tourists.
In fact, it is probably even busier than it was before the pandemic.
Even Japanese people are turning left and right at the scramble crossing.

Shibuya Nobei Yokocho.
As the name suggests, about 40 izakaya restaurants are lined up in a row.
This place, which is loved by real alchol lovers with all their hearts, seems to be a sacred place.
Foreign tourists visiting Shibuya always seem to go to Scramble Crossing and Nonbei Yokocho to experience the real thrill of the big city and the good old izakaya culture of Yokocho.

I am a newcomer, having only been visiting for more than a decade, having been taken there by a so-called regular friend.
I still can't forget my first visit which was intense.
Not in a bad way by any means.
The momentum of the conversation between Chizuru-san and the regulars was incredible.
And I was overwhelmed by another group of regulars who took in the conversation.
From that day onwards, every time we visited, my friend and I were given a seat to be in charge of the old man style gags that made the place more relaxed.
(I suppose we overestimated ourselves)
We have made the regulars fake smile at us a lot.

The other day, I reached a consensus with a few of the regulars.
1. Enoki won't let you in unless you are polite.
2.Enoki is a great coincidence in many ways.
3.All regular customers get promoted.
4.Enoki attracts adults who want to be scolded by Chizuru-san.
5.Chisuru-san will surely reach 100 years of age in plenty of time. (Yes, I'm sure she will. Lol)

I would like to tell you first, because the person who should be celebrating that will probably excuse me first.
Chizuru-san always takes each and every one of us seriously and scolds us.
Chizuru-san, who unknowingly pushes my back and cheers me up.
(In Kansai dialect) "You're great!" Thank you!
「えのき」でのお楽しみはチズルさんの笑顔、お料理、お酒、時に喝!? そして隣に座った方とのご縁。


*This diary was written by customer

My favourite part of Enoki is Chizuru's food, delicious drinks, Chizuru's smile and sometimes harsh words to motivate me.
And the chance to meet the person sitting next to you.

Sometimes it is a toast with a familiar face, but I also enjoy encounters as the once-in-a-lifetime.

Recently an old friend passed away suddenly, and there is an episode that reminds me about Enoki.
It was one winter day.
He had just retired from work and was starting a second chapter in his life.
He told me that a friend he hadn't seen for a long time suddenly emailed them and they decided to meet here at Enoki.
He told me how much he was looking forward to it, even though she hadn't seen me for decades, and I was more excited than he was.

Then I thought of a friend of mine who I would like to invite to come here one day.
I had been living abroad for a long time since I started working, and it has been difficult for them to meet me in Shibuya.
And now some friends are not able to come here with them.

However, I went to Enoki on the day I sent that friend.
Thank you, Chizuru-san, for welcoming me with the same smile as always! 
I will visit again.
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